Friday, September 21, 2007

aShame - ajax SHAME

Strengthen by the knowledge from developing Conxilla (see earlier posting) I continued my ajax quest by taking on SHAME. A demo is available (note, the form template and data displayed is for testing purposes only).
The demo is the result of:
  • json variant of the Form Template and the Form Model
  • javascript classes which wrapping these json constructs
  • methods that
    • construct the DOM corresponding to a form GUI.
    • use callbacks from the DOM to modify the JSON model.
    • keep track of cardinality restrictions
  • dojo widgets to control input via dropdown menues, validatation etc.
  • dojo tundra skin to get a nice appearance
The demo has yet no server side support and there is many things that can be improved although the basic functionality is already in place.

In the next step, I hope to introduce server side support and a set of simple parameters which allows you to use aShame to display RDF data anywhere on the web by:
  • a parameter to where to fetch the RDF
  • a parameter specifying which Annotation Profile to use (i.e. specifying which metadata fields to display and other GUI hints)
If preferred the RDF may be edited, and, if the RDF resides in a repository which supports remote modification, it will be possible to push the RDF back as well (i.e. save). More on this later. (I am writing an article on remote modification together with Fredrik Enoksson, it will be presented at the 2nd International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research.)