Thursday, August 16, 2007

Conxilla - Ajax Conzilla

I have begun reworking the browsing part of the Conzilla tool (which I have been working with since 1999 back and forth) as an AJAX application. The first examples can be viewed here.
It is based on Dojo0.9 Beta and as you see it makes heavy use of the gfx package.
The hard work was to:
  1. generate the graphics from a data format which is divided into a layouts of concept / concept-relation and stylesheet information for the corresponding concept/concept-relation types.
  2. do absolute positioning of the labels in the boxes using regular html div on top of the graphics (to be able to use already provided features of html such as alignment, automatic line break, overflow hiding, centering etc.).
  3. fix correct behavior on text size changes, i.e. resize map size to match the new text size.
The example linked to above has yet no server side support.

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